Sunday, October 19, 2014

Frugal Each Day Keeps the Job Away 10/19

Sophea and Clara are so excited about today's gifts! 

A big part of what I do each day is trying to make each penny count.  Today was a wonderfully frugal day and I would like to share it with you.  I would also LOVE to hear any of your personal frugal accomplishments today!  As they say, "A penny saved is a penny earned", and this is my favorite part of my job!

Started out my day with the couponing lists I made and Sophea (5) and Clara (4) accompanied me to 3 different stores in town.  I wish I had known that I would be making this blog today and I would have taken some pictures of our adventure....  that is one thing that I hope that I can accomplish with this blog!  MORE PICTURES.  But back to the point!  I came home with 20 lbs. of potatoes, 18 lbs. of grapes, 9 bags of steam veggies, 3 lbs. ground turkey, 1 lb. butter, 2 lb. yeast, 3 lbs. pasta, a huge can of coffee, 1 dozen eggs, 3 bottles of shampoo and 2 tubes of toothpaste (all favored brands in our house), 9 loaves of bread, 3 gallons of milk, and 2 boxes of cereal for $83!  Very exciting!  I look forward to future posts exploring my (and your) couponing adventures in depth!

I am excited to be able to have plenty of grapes and potatoes to be able to put aside for later use.  I am especially excited when I can get fruit for under $1/lb.  That is when I stock up and put some aside for the harsh South Dakota winters when absolutely NOTHING is in season.  The grapes will freeze nicely and are just like sweet little popsicles to eat frozen.  What a perfect after school snack!
That was not the most exciting part of our frugal day today though.  My husband's very generous uncle gifted us with pumpkins that he grows on his acreage.  FOR FREE!  He also threw in some acorn squash for cooking and dried gourds that we will be making bird into houses.  So come back soon and look for our adventures in carving, cooking, and projecting with our thrifty harvest!

These gourds are absolutely perfect for a good scrubbing and turning into birdhouses!  I'm so excited to do this project with my gals!  4 gourds means one for each of them!
We got SO many of these acorn squash!  They need a good scrubbing up but I was excited to get pictures of our bounty!  Cooking these up should keep me busy all week plus some to put up for use this winter!  If anyone has some good acorn squash recipes I would LOVE to hear them!
What did you enjoy today?


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