Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gratitude Journal 10/21

      I want to end every day of my life in gratitude so one of my goals right now is listing 7 things that I am grateful for that day

Coffee.   I love coffee with mocha creamer and a packet of NutraSweet (yeah, I know....) but I LOVE it that way.  I also love my pretty mug from an amazing friend of mine.  I think of her every time I fill up my cup.

Motivation today was through the roof and lasted all day long.  I feel like even though I didn't get everything done that I wanted I got the important things done.  And I feel content ending the day with what I accomplished

My home.  I am so grateful for this wonderful home of ours.  The yard and all of the ancient trees.  A warm safe place to tuck in my children.  Today I made new goals that focus on our home and it really made me think and appreciate what home offers us.
My daughter's kindergarten teacher.  She is AMAZING.  Sophea has learned so much already in the short time she's been in kindergarten.  She always tells me after school that she loves her teacher.  This woman is seriously one in a million.  God bless teachers that love their students!
Music.  I adore Spotify on my phone.  I love having different lists for different moods and being able to have something fun and wonderful to listen to while I'm attending to my goal list.  I also have a Spotify list with the little ones' favorite music on it and love watching them get excited when another of their favorite songs come on!

Online recipes and a daughter who loves to cook.  It was so fun sitting down to something new tonight and have everyone enjoy it.
Freedom.  The freedom to make my own choices, listen to my own music, and make my own plans.  The freedom to play with my children, love them, and read to them.  The freedom to sit down at the table with my family and share what we are grateful for!

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